Beet Curly Top Virus has a wide variety of symptoms in Cannabis plants. New growth may turn yellow in BCTV’s early stages, and can easily be mistaken for some micronutrient deficiency. In the disease’s middle stages, leaves exhibit mosaic mottled patterns. New leaves may also appear gnarled and twisted, or “curly,” hence this virus’ name.
BCTV currently has only one known vector: the beet leafhopper. These tiny (about 3.5mm long) bugs consume infected tissue from one plant before moving to feed on another, spreading the disease. While other pests may present a vector for BCTV, researchers haven’t identified them yet.
Key for BCTV
spread management on cannabis
Beet Curly Top Virus can lurk asymptomatically, spread quickly, and trigger significant economic loss to crops. Nurseries, breeders, and flower cultivators must for it proactively and periodically to prevent outbreaks. At MyFloraDNA, our best-in-class pathogen tests can help you mitigate damage from BCTV.