Sample collection and shipping

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do.
Using our puch vials. Just open the top of a punch vial, then place the foliage you want to sample within the vial’s opening. Then, close the top to cut out a sample directly into the vial.
MyFloraDNA offers lab services exclusively for testing cannabis plants with THC levels below 0.3%. If we receive samples with THC levels above this limit, we’ll have to dispose of them to stay compliant with the law. Please note that even if the sample is disposed of, you’ll still be responsible for covering the full testing cost.
Order online or call us to get assistance from our business development team for purchasing your tests. After that, you’ll receive a collection kit with all the necessary materials to gather your samples and send them to our headquarters. A few hours after we receive your samples, you’ll be able to view your results within MyFloraCLOUD.